
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

what is my happy?

How can you tell when I am really happy?
You would probably never guess this one. 
Well as shocking as it may be,
here it is.
Country music.
Yes, I listen to country music really loud with windows down and singing at the top of my lungs.
Even if it is a sad country song.
I am happiest.
Makes sense now huh?
Well today is a country music day. 
Remember these two delights?
Well they were part of my selection today. 
View below.
and enjoy as much as I am :)
Scotty is enough to put you on cloud nine.
But don't tell Cam! 

Oh and Happy Wednesday everyone! 

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

Um...country is pretty much the love of my life! :) Have you seen Scotty's music video for "I Love You This Big" yet?? It is FABULOUS!!! I could watch it all day! We shall have a party one day where we just blast country music, ok? Ok :) Love ya!