
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

today's adventures

to be honest, the only thing i could think about while in the slc airport was my cam coming home. i got butterflies! i seriously can't wait till he gets home and i surprise him at the airport! i may have told him that i wouldn't be able to make it to the airport... but really i am just going to surprise him :)

i hate flying. it freaks me out big time. the first hour of the first flight i just wanted to be on land and i swear i prayed a billion and two times. i had pretty much convinced myself that i was going to die. but i plugged in my ipod, put it on shuffle, and the first thing i heard was my cam's voice. i did good the rest of the trip. its amazing how he doesn't even have to be there to calm me down and assure me its all going to be okay.

we first landed in memphis, which is beautiful! i've never been in Tennessee so it was so different... lots of trees!  then i got to alabama, oh my gosh its so pretty!! I love it so much! it is green everywhere and trees everywhere.  it's beautiful! the food tastes a little weird but everything is great for the first day.

not going to lie, im a bit nervous for tomorrow and feel incredibly inadequate, but i will do my best and hopefully the Lord will make up for what I lack!

ps. i miss you family! :)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Enjoy your adventure Sky...however, I miss you too! I would love to see new places! Good Luck tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be AMAZING!! Love you :)