
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Goodbye Alabama

I could not ask for a better company to work with such amazing opportunities. My trip to Alabama really made me more excited about what I do and where I want to go with this company. It was motivating for sure. I always saw my job as just something to get me through my first few years of marriage and nothing I was really committed to, but now, I really want to grow with this company and move to higher positions, which I know is definitely within my reach if I work really hard. Plus, the whole dressing professional thing is something I may want to pick up and use more often :)

Alabama is just beautiful. If there wan't all the wind and tornados (because you all know I have a problem with those) I would move there in a heartbeat. Everything is green and its so easy to run there! I loved it and I am definitely going to miss it! I have been so blessed and I know that if I just keep doing what's right, these experiences will keep coming. I know I am being blessed because of Cam's service as well. We are doing pretty good :)

And, I am blogging on my flight home while listening to country, technology these days is unreal.

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